A Plastic Surgeon's Perpective

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Breast Augmentation

Dr. Severinac's saline implant augmentation.

Full, shapely breasts can make any woman feel more feminine, beautiful, and secure. Breast Augmentation or Augmentation Mammoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to increase and enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast. The end result is a more curvaceous, sexy bust line and a natural, proportionate figure. During this outpatient procedure, an incision is made beneath the breast and a saline or silicone implant is inserted beneath the pectoral muscle. The end result is a full and fabulous new figure.

Saline vs. silicone implants?  This is addressed by Dr. Severinac's 18 years of experience in his blog "Will That Be Saline or Silicone With Your Augmentaion".

Breast augmentation can give a lifting effect but is sometimes combined with a breast lift if there is excess skin and drooping of the nipple. Join the hundreds of patients who have benefited the skilled hands of Dr. Severinac if you feel a Breast Augmentation is for you.

To learn more about augmentation mammoplasty in Fort Wayne, Indiana contact Indiana Plastic Surgery Center for a private consultation.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Botox and Fillers

An injectable parable:  Botox & Fillers

A local non-plastic surgeon directed medical spa tells clients that the reason their Botox and Fillers are more expensive than anywhere else in town is because the nurses who administer it are "much more qualified" than anyone else in town.  Even more qualified than a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?

Dr. Severinac personally treats all his patients with Botox and Fillers in our Fort Wayne office  His keen sense of anatomy gives him a huge advantage over others ability to get beautiful consistent results.  He also injects himself with these products and has an appreciation for how the products are best placed with minimal discomfort.  Our prices are kept low because Dr. Severinac sees these treatments as a way to meet patients who may be interested in other procedures in the future.  He welcomes any questions regarding plastic surgery during these treatments.  


Wrinkles between the eyebrows (frown lines), around the eyes (crow’s feet), and across® the forehead are actually caused by overactive muscles just below the skin.  The skin folds in the central neck are caused be the platysma muscle and can also be treated.  Through a very small needle, BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected into these areas to relax the underlying muscles. This smooths out the wrinkles they are causing, giving you a more vibrant and youthful appearance. The effects typically last three to four months, but in some patients who learn to stop animating those parts of the face, the effect can last longer. Be good to yourself, for a change: Botox.


Injectable fillers for the laugh and marionette lines, the lips and the corners of the mouth is very popular.  Most fillers are comprised of Hyluronic Acid which is a substance found between cells of all animals.  It works best for the lips and nasolabial folds and lasts 3 to 9 months.  Place your face in the skilled hands of Dr. Severinac, it will be the simplest, best thing you've done for yourself in a long time.

Contact us to treat the wrinkles you've earned but wished you never had!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing are procedures designed to improve the texture and complexion of the skin.  We offer microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, chemical peels, and non ablative 1540 fractionated laser through the Rejuva Medspa and dermabrasion through the Indiana Plastic Surgery Center.


Microdermabrasion with the Diamontome involves using a diamond dust impregnated wand with suction to sand the top keratinized layer of skin.  Crystal systems are also used.  This thins the epidermis or the top layer of skin giving immediate smoother skin.  It can also be used in conjunction with peels and skin care to allow deeper delivery of products yielding even better results.  This is done by our Aesthetician at Rejuva Medspa.


Dermaplaning uses a modified surgical blade to smooth the top layer of skin (epidermis) leaving the skin immediately smoother. It can also be used in conjunction with peels and skin care to allow deeper delivery of products yielding even better results.  Dermaplaning also removes all that "peach fuzz".  This is done by our Aesthetician at the Rejuva Medspa.

1540 Fractionated Laser:

This is a nonablative type of resurfacing meaning the the top layer of skin is not completely destroyed such as older laser systems (CO2 for example).  It drives multiple micro columns of laser into the skin in a pixalated fashion leaving most of the skin intact.  The healing is fast with  some redness in the first few days.  Fractionated laser produces a more unified and smoother complexion and over the following months, a more supple fuller feel to the skin as collagen content is increased.


Dermabraion is performed with a rotating diamond dust burr creating a controlled abrasion. The skin is essentially sanded down to the deepest level of the scar making them less noticeable. Usually, healing to the point of makeup application is seen in one week, and redness may be present for weeks to months as the area heals.  One example is the radial wrinkles seen around the lips in smokers and those who purse the lips when expressing themselves. Another is in acne scarring.

Depending your specific needs, we have multiple options to make your skin radiant and youthful: skin resurfacing fort wayne - IN.

To learn more about skin resurfacing in our Fort Wayne office under local anesthesia and oral sedation please contact us today.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Otoplasty (Ear Pinning)

Otoplasty or Ear Pinning is performed to correct misshapen or poorly formed ears and bring protruding ears closer to the head. With “ear pinning”, or otoplasty, an incision is made behind the ear. The cartilage is sculpted and sutured to stay back (no pins are actually used).  This procedure can be done at any time but is often best around age six to prevent ridicule at school. It drastically improves overall appearance and self-confidence.  The procedure is done under a general anesthetic in the child.

In an adult, otoplasty can be performed in our office surgical suite under local anesthesia with oral sedation, reducing cost significantly.  Prominent ear, cauliflower ears, cup ears, Spock ears can all be address with Otoplasty in our Fort Wayne office.

The recovery is less than one week to dressings removal and 6 weeks of night time head band use to keep the ears against the head.

If you think you or a child you know might be a candidate for otoplasty, please contact us  today to find out more.

Just look at the difference Dr. Severinac can make!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Chin Implants and Cheek Implants

Chin implants

A poorly defined chin or cheeks can give the face an overall weak appearance. Chin implants in Fort Wayne, IN can give you the confidence you've been looking for. Dr. Severinac uses implants that allow tissue ingrowth which secures the implant making it look and feel like its a part of yourself. The incision is typically made in the submental crease, a natural crease line found just under the chin.  Look at the transformation to a balanced face by Dr. Severinac.

Cheek Implants vs Fat Grafting

While chin implants give the appearance of a stronger jaw, cheek implants lend definition and improve the overall contour of the face.  These are placed through incisions inside the mouth and are performed in the outpatient general anesthesia setting.  Most patients, however, opt for facial fat grafting to give more volume to the cheeks. 

Facial implants and fat grafting are placed through inconspicuous incisions under local anesthesia with oral sedation in the office procedure room. To learn more about facial implants,the contact the Indiana Plastic Surgery Center today.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Lip Implants


Thin lips can diminished an otherwise beautiful face.  These can have a significant impact on self-image and esteem. Lip implants permanently augment the lips avoiding repeated injectable treatments.  These are placed through small incisions on the inside corner of the mouth under local anesthesia with oral sedation.  Dr. Severinac uses two types of implants.  The Perma Facial Implant is a silicone implant which is soft and does not limit movement or puckering of the lips.

PTFE type implants which are more rigid and somewhat prevent puckering of the lips.  This implant is ideal in patients who have lines on the lip and are having these treated with dermabrasion.  The implant can be placed at the same time as the dermabrasion.  The idea is to help prevent return of these lines by reducing the puckering that causes them.

Fuller and more natural appearing lips, permanent with no more injections.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Rhinoplasty (nose)

Side view of Dr. Severinac's rhinoplasty patient
The nose is central to the appearance of the face. Changing the shape and size of your nose may be something you have wanted to do for a long time.   In Fort Wayne, Dr. Severinac is only one of two plastic surgeons performing rhinoplasty.  The reason for this is most plastic surgeons are not comfortable with performing rhinoplasties.  The procedure requires a keen knowledge of  craniofacial anatomy and an artistic understanding of the cosmetic issues in a given patient.  Dr. Severinac had additional training in craniofacial surgery.  This training is crucial for plastic surgeons performing rhinoplasty.

Dr. Severinac can help you realize your goals, starting with an imaging program. He can manipulate your picture on a computer screen to reveal your possibilities for a more aesthetically pleasing nose. During rhinoplasty,  incisions are made along the rims of the nostrils and through the collumella to avoid visible scarring.

The bone and/or cartilage are then sculpted for the desired look. Breathing problems can also be treated during rhinoplasty by septoplasty and turbinectomy.   Nasal tip rhinoplasties can often be performed in our office surgical suite with local anesthesia and oral sedation.  Rhinoplasty or Nose Job in Fort Wayne, Indiana... it's time to look and feel your best!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Face and Neck Liposuction

Dr. Severinac's before and after liposuction case.

Are you developing your mom's chin or your dad's jowls?  We have an answer: face and neck liposuction.

The lower face, jowls and neck can have excess fat deposits that can often be handled easily through power assisted lipoplasty and tumscent technique liposuction.  If the skin is not too loose, this may be just the procedure to  directly remove that unwanted fat.  The procedure is performed in the office under local anesthesia and oral sedation saving recovery time and cost.  Sometimes, this procedure is performed with other facial plastic procedures like the Face and Neck lift.

There have been emerging technologies for liposuction.  Dr. Severinac uses the powered assisted lipoplasty or PAL device.  This moves the cannula (thin tube inserted into the tissues for liposuction) in rapid occilating fashion.  This allow the surgeon to concentrate on sculpting while alowing the PAL device do the work.  Other technologies such as ultrasound and lasers are available but Dr. Severinac feels that they do not add any advantage but do add risk of skin burns and are much more expensive.  Please see a Wall Street Journal article on Smart Lipo to learn more.

Please contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation.   Take a look at our video archives to see Dr. Severinac talk on our practice philosophies, to see our office for testimonials and more.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Forehead Lift


Lines on the forehead and between the eyebrows can contribute to a sad, angry, tired, or aged appearance. A forehead lift can smooth these areas and take years off your appearance, giving you a more refreshed look. The forehead lift can be done through incisions in the forehead, at the hairline, or above the hairline.

For younger patients whose expressive nature has left brow wrinkles and some sagging, an endoscopic forehead lift is often the best approach. An endoscope (a slender, lighted tube with a miniature camera attached) is inserted into the incision and used to help lift the skin and remove some of the underlying muscles causing these wrinkles. Forehead lifts are often combined with other facial cosmetic procedures, including face and neck lifts and eyelid lifts.

If your brow is heavy, Dr. Severinac has developed a Forehead Lift as a local procedure with oral sedation.

Please contact our practice today.  See our video archives to learn about Dr. Severinac, our practice philosophies, our patients, and our results.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Eyelid Lift (Blepharoplasty)

Are you tired of everyone asking, “Are you tired?” Droopy, puffy eyes and eyelids can make you appear older and more worn out than you feel. Eyelid surgery can restore the skin around your eyes to its natural, youthful appearance and drastically reduce the signs of aging. During the eye lift, inconspicuous incisions are made along the eyelid creases, and excess fat, muscle, and skin are trimmed away from the eyelid. The remaining tissue is then lifted and carefully secured in place. Vision that is obstructed by drooping upper eyelids can also be corrected.

The eyelift or blepharoplasty procedure is typically performed in the office surgical suite with oral sedation and local anesthesia Dr. Severinac has developed into an affordable procedure with great results. If you would rather hear people say "you look so young" when they see you, not even knowing you had an eyelid lift, contact us today for more information on blepharoplasty.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Face and Neck Lift


If the skin on your face, under your chin or on your neck has begun to sag, you might be an excellent candidate for a face and neck lift or rhytidectomy. Dr. Severinac considers a face and neck lift to be one and the same. The vector of skin pull required to properly tighten the skin of the cheeks and neck should be over the jaw and onto the cheeks, as well as toward the area behind the ear.

Dr. Severinac was the first in the region to offer the Threadlift  and Contour lifts.  He found that although these procedures gave good results, they only lasted one to two years because there was no skin removal.  He then combined the absorbable ribbons of the RibbonLift with the face and neck lift and hence; the Ribbon Assisted Face and Neck Lift.  This procedure gave long lasting results.  Dr. Severinac now uses a combination of sutures to sustain a deep tissue suspension taking the tension off the skin closure to give a long lasting result.

During the procedure, discreet incisions are made along the side burns, and around ears.  The skin is elevated off the underlying tissues in the cheeks and neck.  Dissolving sutures placed to suspend and support the deeper tissues in the cheek elevating the jowls and nek tissues.  A considerable amount excess skin is removed from the cheek and neck from in front below and behind the ear.  The skin is meticulously repaired with under the skin fine sutures with minimal tension because of the deep tissue suspension.  Excess fat is often removed from the jowls and below the chin with liposuction.

Dr. Severinac places his incisions so they are inconspicuous even with the hair pulled up. Facelifts are commonly performed in conjunction with other surgeries such as forehead lift, eyelid liftliposuction, and lip dermabrasion for even more beautiful results.


Local Anesthesia

Like most facial plastic procedures, a face and neck lift can be performed with oral sedation and local anesthesia saving time and cost!

For further information about how face lift surgery can help you face the future with the look of your past, please contact the Indiana Plastic Surgery Center today.